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The Idea

What if every time you booted up a game, the story was different? A different premise, a different genre, and different characters and settings.

Roguelikes are a genre known for procedural generation - the challenges and obstacles you face are different each time. But what if you could go deeper? Not just change the levels, but change the story and characters, the setting, and the entire context behind the mechanics.

One of the main generation algorithms I implemented was a Language Confluxer: I actually based it of a python script written by Christopher Pound. Essentially you can give it a massive list of sample names, and from that, it can generate new names. Someday, I will write a blog post about how it works (it's actually very simple).

It was a bad idea to pick Flash, partially due to terrible performance on Android (from Adobe Air). If I ever start this again, I may consider using Haxe, since it will let me write native code for every platform.

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